The year 2017 opens in Europe with a further increase in paleolithic art researchers at surface stations.

These enterprising scholars also operate outside of academia, as in the heroic days of Jacques Boucher de Perthes.

The Paleolithic, after the discovery of Homo habilis, had stretched its origin trespassing into the Pliocene, and for this reason we often find authors who give the origin of the Paleolithic with different dates from each other.

The origin of man (of Homo habilis) is subject of study of paleontology and concerns the Pliocene, in which the last pre-Homo hominid was an Australopithecus.

The discoveries of Australopithecus species have increased considerably in recent years, as their remains have been found in Africa, in areas where climatic conditions are particularly favorable to the preservation of bones.

The assertions of some Authors that the last australopithecus manufactured lithic tools do not convince all, and some Author asserts that the author was Homo habilis, the first maker of artifacts.

My engagement in the publication of studies on the Paleolithic looks always at the spiritual culture, that comprises the art (sculpture, painting, applied art for decoration of tools, for the hunting, etc.) and the hypotheses about the religion closely connected to the art, like also the decoration of graves and the hypotheses about the rituals of cult, with prosecution for evolution of the historical times.

I wish all the readers the pleasure of knowing new discoveries, hoping that some of them will also find space in these pages in the 2017 which just began.

Licia Filingeri (Editor)
Genova, gennaio 2017


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